
Sun 7/19 - Macrame Tiger plays FREE afternoon show on Rooftop of American Apparel Royal Oak

UPDATED: check the video from the show after Macrame Tiger was kicked off the roof of American Apparel Royal Oak by the local boys in blue....so the band played in the store entrance which actually created more of a crowd whereas a rooftop show would have forced people to spread out a bit in order to see the band up top - nice job mr police man

The free show was sponsered by Vitamin Water who provided a bunch of drinks and at one point random people were walking up and taking full cases for themselves - nice!

The band gave away a bunch of MCB t-shirts to the crowd after putting a pretty fucking good show - missed it yesterday? Macrame Tiger plays a show at The Berkley front tonight - catch them at Dally in the Alley / DIY Festival and more than likely playing a kick ass set at the
MCb5 on December 11th @ Music Hall Detroit

Macrame Tiger's free American Apparel Rooftop Show
Sponsored by Vitamin Water
405 S Washington Ave
Royal Oak, MI
SUNDAY, JULY 19, 2009

Playing while the sun is still up for a change, Macrame Tiger will be performing a free show from the rooftop of the American Apparel outlet on Washington Avenue in Royal Oak.
Music begins at 3:00 PM on Sunday, July 19, 2009.
The show is sponsored by Vitamin Water who will have a street team present to distribute free goods and pro-Vitamin Water propaganda. While the show will be visible from both the street and nearby establishments such as Lily's, a select group of attendees, hangers-on, and press will be invited at the time of the performance to join the band in the rooftop festivities.
A follow-up rooftop show will occur on September 20th to coincide with Fashion Week: same damn place, same damn time, different damn day.
Have you grown weary of the garage-rock fallout that has spawned an army of Jack White wannabes and aging would-have, could-have, should-have beens?
Indifferent to over-hyped groups whose performances pale in the light of their glowing reviews? The answer is YES! and the solution is in theform of seven barely employed young men who together are Macrame Tiger.

Macrame Tiger is a band hell-bent on breaking the status quo of a divided city. This diamond in
the rustbelt has refined their craft through a year of performing at art shows, impromptu parties, and offthe-radar venues like Scrummage University and Izzy’s. They have come out of this with a year’s worthof noise complaints, arrests, and a loyal following of brightly colored hipsters, drunks, and art kids.

A DIY attitude and plenty of support from the art community has driven Macrame Tiger’s live setfrom more than a mere rock show, performances are on a theatrical scale with larger than life backdrops,a stage littered with cartoonish space monsters, bizarre spandex costumes, live projections, confetti guns,and an open-invitation for the audience to join in the mayhem are standard fare. This is all made possibleby the efforts of Detroit creatives such as the spandex-queen Angela McBride, projectionist Anthony Cholag, videographer Gavin Bates, the Lollybot Collective, and numerous other warped minds.

The sounds produced by Macrame Tiger show an eclectic mix of influences, always at near
deafening volume, channelling Motown soul, orchestral ebb and flow, and the dirtiest punk rock you’ve ever heard. This is all in support of a powerful vocal delivery, embellished by up to 10 back-up singers depending on what local musicians show up on a given night. Macrame Tiger has re-assembled what defines contemporary Detroit rock: a crushing low end ala the Dirtbombs, unconventional instrumentation ala the Silent Years, a ruthless delivery ala Child Bite, an outlandish stage presence ala Champions of Breakfast or Charlie Slick, vand a the same can-do attitude that defines groups like Deastro and the Scrummage kids.

Macrame Tiger is the bastard child of musical evolution: imagine a furry woodland creature with ashark fin, a horn, fangs, a wing on upside down, a puffball tall, one or more slimy tentacles, and seven sets of legs. If you have read this far (or not) you now owe it to yourself to investigate this strange sensation for yourself. Please take the time to give their CD a few spins in you car, computer, or home stereo system.
If you do not possess these means, or wish to share the experience with others,
visit Macrame Tiger online

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