
2009 Detroit Jazz Fest Photos 9/4-9/5

Jazz Fest has always been a family tradition. I have many memories of running around as a kid while my Mom and my Uncle Jack tried to tell me who was playing and what to be listening for. In fact when my Uncle died we took some of his ashes to Jazz Fest and sprinkled him in the Detroit River.

The very first record my mom bought me was Chick Corea, Friends (my first tape was Styx). So when I had the chance to help out a fellow MCBer with some coverage of Chick Corea and Lenny White for the Beautiful Alisa Zee I jumped at the chance.

I know many of you have been to the Arts Beats and East, and let me tell you there is plenty of Arts (like Gassan Gallery, Book Beat, and Arnold Calloway), Eats (um Seldom Blues....) and Jazzy Beats that will make you feel like you have fallen in love and got your heart broken but you don't care because it all feels so gooood.

I implore you to go down and check it out! I will see you at Monk on Monk. As a fan though not a photog. At one point this weekend a guy looked at me and said "where are you from?"
"NO, mean where are you from? You're too happy."
"Man, this is Chick Freakin Corea. How can you stress about that.?"

I know the rules, we all know the rules: no standing, first two songs only and no flash. Not much different that any other event of concert. I am very polite and professional when working (shh, stop laughing you know it's true). Maybe you should post a photography policy up.

And I have to say a BIG thank you to Kirk, Shane, Alisa Zee and the Jazz Fest for helping me get this:

Chick Corea

Yes I am on Chick Corea's jock because it's that GOOD!


(More photos to follow and watch for Andrew Bender's take on the Detroit Jazz Fest)