
BLOG MOMENT: MCB saves Ryan Allen

so this weekend was another great dally in the alley
no matter what festival I make it out to the dally is always the most relaxed and fun of any of them every year hands down

Saturday was simply the perfect summer day...barely a cloud in the sky...perfect temperature...this year we were running a little late to dally and were buzzing around keeping our eyes open for a parking space - my wife is one of these "you never should have to pay for parking in Detroit" types and she spied a great spot just across Third near Prentis....like wives tend to do she blabbing away about how I need to hurry --go get it - your going to lose it that guy! -- and I not really paying attention because I am reassuring her we will get the spot and as I am rolling up to the intersection turn my head just enough to notice a glimspe of what I thought was a red haired child stepping off the curb into my "line" as I was just about to gun it across the way and just barely slam the brakes in time....I look up and its Ryan Allen from Detour-MAG - so I didnt see him during the dally but hey ryan - if you happen to read this you owe me a beer or two for saving your life or maybe the other way around for nearly taking you out - it was that close....I obviously missed the primo spot and decided to pay $5 to park at Twingos at the complete inverse of locations to try to switch my karma around a bit and it worked

Thankfully - no one was hurt in that instance but it was a weekend of death in the MCB ranks - I had to put down my dog of 14 years on Friday and one of our contributors lost a whole salt water tank of fish he raised for 6 yrs

Tough week...anyway - enough of the BLOG bullshit
have a great week and come visit the MCB Booth at DIY Festival