
MOTOR CITY HAUNT CLUB meets tonight @ Traffic Jam Detroit

Attention Haunters!!
The next gathering of the Motor City Haunt Club will be Tuesday 15 September 2009
Start time 7pm @ Traffic Jam & Snug
511 West Canfield Street Detroit, MI
Tuesday's lecture will feature 5 outstanding Haunt Club members and the scientific principles behind Halloween!!
Jeff Londos will explain how animatronic props and costumes are made.
Robert Beech will reveal some his sculpture techniques and the infamous laser vortex. http://www.brandywinecemetery.com/
Jeff Squires will teach us how light and sound are used for haunting effects.
Paul Jameson will describe how pneumatic props are developed.
(you've seen his stuff around)
Matt Mio will provide a chemist's insight to obtaining the perfect Halloween fog. http://www.udmercy.edu/about/meet_faculty/ces/Matt-Mio.htm
Although there is NO formal charge for this event,
food and beer will be provided.
Donations are encouraged.