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Sat Sept 12th 6-9pm -- Constructed Nature: A Study of Feminine Affections - The Butchers Daughter Gallery Ferndale

Women have long been associated with nature, especially in the world of art. I am not here to dispute that mystical connection. I do, however, see limitations in the representations of this association. The body of work I made is advocating for a forward progression. The environments in my photographs exist in various states–from unaltered to almost completely fabricated. Women juxtaposed with varying state of (fabricated) nature are meant to allow the viewer ruminate on the phycological conditions we impose on women, and the physical conditions we impose on the environment.
I see connections between the two,
and I want viewers to make connections as well.

Constructed Nature: A Study of Feminine Affections
Photographs by Monica Elizabeth Breen

Exhibition Dates
September 12 - October 17, 2009
Opening Reception:
September 12, 2009
6:00 - 9:00 pm

The Butcher's Daughter Gallery
22747 Woodward Ave, Suite 201
Ferndale, MI 48220

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