
Silkscreening Print Workshop - Saturday April 24th!

When: Saturday, April 24, 2010 1:00pm - 4:00pm
Where: Progress of Design
364 Hilton Rd.
Ferndale, Michigan 48220

AIGA Detroit- http://detroit.aiga.org/events/2010/04/44082662 and Progress of Design - http://pofd.com/2008/ are excited to announce our first ever Silkscreening Print Workshop!
For those of you who get tired of strictly working on the computer and miss creating designs by hand this is for you.

This workshop is designed for people who have never silkscreened before. During the workshop participants will learn tips for file preparation, how to burn a screen and how to register a multicolor print. Each participant will print a two color T-shirt and poster.

In an effort to try and keep to time and material costs low, each participant will be asked to send a black and white 3”x3” vector design a week prior to the workshop. Each participant’s design which will then be collaged together to create one final design.

Cost: $50 AIGA Members / $70 Non-AIGA Members*

To purchase tickets please visit: http://aigadetroitsilkscreening.eventbrite.com/

Cost includes instruction with the professional printers of Progress of Design as well as all materials and supplies.

Space is limited to 15 participants and spots will be filled on a first come basis.

*Please note, you MUST pay prior to attending to reserve your spot in the workshop.