
This Week In Moneypenny: Chelsea Handler

Better tardy than absent...

So, it's not exactly ancient history that Chelsea Handler was in town, selling out the Fox and signing books at Borders. I swallowed so much Belvedere at the show that I almost forgot about the pictures I took at the book store. Ha!

Borders in Birmingham was packed with a unique crowd of mother-daughter teams, BFF's, and total creepers. Lucky, I had my BFF there with me for the long, uncomfortable wait. Chelsea's plane landed over an hour late and she showed up to a frothy mob. She took it in stride though, and gave a beaming smile and a frantic signature to every single fan in the place.

We raced downtown for the show to find the Fox Theatre also swarmed with Chelsea fans. After a few cocktails and a good long gape at the marvelous ceiling, we made the trek to our seats. The show ended up being worth the hectic journey. It was exciting to watch a lone woman with a microphone entertain such a large audience. Despite looking so tiny up there, she had the well-oiled crowd roaring with laughter from start to finish. Her show "Chelsea Lately" on E! is dedicated to poking fun at Hollywood, but on stage she turned the knife on herself and confessed things that most men would never admit to. From explaining her slightly unwholesome obsession with little people, to "discovering herself early" and masturbating with a spoon at the family dinner table as a child, she showed no shame and had everyone gut laughing so hard no one could tell who was blushing.

All of this and more is recounted in her new book "Chelsea Chelsea Bang Bang" . 5th emailer to motorcityblog@earthlink.net wins the copy that we
had signed by Miss Chelsea herself!
