
This Week In Moneypenny: The Jon Spencer Blues Explosion!

The Jon Spencer Blues Explosion
Crofoot Ballroom - 7/16/2010

It's been 10 years since we've heard from The Jon Spencer Blues Explosion. I figured they befell the same sorry fate of every other good thing that died in the 90's. Most of the kickass bands of yesteryear have completely pussed out; what once was cult classic has morphed into college rock fodder (you know who they are). JSBX recently released Dirty Shirt Rock 'N' Roll:The First Ten Years, the songs are a collection of hits and favorites from the glory days. I had the privilege of catching this rare show at the Crofoot last Friday to see if Jon made it out of the last era unscathed.

Still rocking the vinyl pants and the stone face, Jon and the boys don't look a day past 1992. The energy, dramatics, jet-black mane and well-worn theremin were all still there. Once they hit the stage, they wasted no time in slaying the eager crowd with perfectly executed songs that sound just like we all remember. The place was jammed with a mix of curious old school fans, fans like me that were too young to make it to a show back in the good-ol' days, young hipsters with hopes their attendance earns them a gold star from the coolness committee, and as always, a few frothy die-hards that like to invade personal space and make awkward gestures at the band. In true Jon Spencer style, he played on completely unfazed.

Though Jon doesn't smile or make eye contact, he sure does explode onstage. His personal brand of blues/punk/rock is some serious business, yet still unpretentious. The bizarre looking theremin seems possibly homemade, the artwork on the drum set is drawn on with Sharpie, and his guitar looks literally battle-scarred. There is no lack of enthusiasm or passion as Jon leaps, sneers and shreds his instruments. He dances around his theremin like a snake charmer, making incredible faces and gestures to make it sing; then coolly walks away as if he just laid it to waste. Jon, Judah and Russell are a well-oiled machine up there and had a great balance between giving the crowd what they wanted and indulging themselves in their craft. Everyone in the audience enjoyed the show, and many favorites were played like Wail, Chicken Dog, She Said, Money Rock 'N' Roll and of course the fabulous, most groovy, BELLBOTTOMS! Yeah!

JSBX seems to have retained integrity in these desperate days of music. Don't know if this nostalgia tour is going to lead to anything new, but the show is worth catching and the album is worth buying. If his wife has held up as well as Jon has, I hope he resurrects Boss Hog next.
