
Spagteaze The Movie - Majestic Theatre Detroit - Sat 12/10

12/10/11 at the Majestic Theater
18+ $15 8:30 PM doors and the movie starts at 9:30
Following the movie we will have live performances by Best Idea Ever, The Questions, Country Bob and the Bloodfarmers and Cocktail Shake.  (Cocktail Shake and Country Bob both have broken up and they are playing reunion shows for the event).  Also we will feature some burelsque and DJ Spag.  And popcorn.  And the movies will be for sale. 
SPAG teaze the movie is a classic style burlesque film, featuring a variety of talents, bands and burlesque.  With 20 Acts that range from belly dancing, to fire performance, Burlesque, singing, comedy and just plan old variety.  22 songs by not only amazing Detroit bands, but we are also proud to feature The Red Elvises, KAADA, Cars can be Blue and Earline.  The sound track is good enough to stand on its own, and the movie itself is a gem.  We call it a classic burlesque with a nod to the past.  The DVD features a full color version as well as a black and white version complete with old film scratches.  The movie is appropriately 69 minutes long.
                Our audience is both men and woman alike, fans of burlesque, fans of Detroit music, variety shows and talent.
1.       The vignettes start with a compilation of 11 years of local Spag Burlesque footage, put together to "The sun will rise again" by the Questions, and it features the complete credits. 
2.       The next act features Scarlette O'Harlot, a native Detroiter turned London lady, doing a fun and classic kitty to her husband's amazing band, The Stabilisers (UK).
3.       Country Bob and the Bloodfarmers provide the music for act number three, with "I cut out her heart, and stomped on it", and features Detroit superstar, Lushes Lamoan.
4.       An amazing hula dance with one of my favorite performers, Lucy Caboose.  The song is SWiG's "Creeping Tracers", and the act is fun!  Her clothes are off, now they are on, now they are off again! 
5.       Best Idea Ever, a great Detroit band, wrote the song "Giraffe" just for long time burlesque performer, Jane Blaze, in this movie.
6.       The sixth act, a fantastic comedy routine that we featured at an Alvin's show in the past, was too good to leave out, featuring Reno the Eternal Bachelor of the Dirty show fame.
7.       The short lived, but incredibly talented Ghost City provide the song "Severed Head" and the belly dance features five members from Lunatic Vagabonds, based out of Ann Arbor.
8.       This one really captures your attention.  It has a dark undertone and quite an unexpected surprise.  Featuring KAADA from Norway and the incredible beauty of Roxy Cotton, a match made in heaven…or maybe hell.  Regardless, I love it!
9.       Cocktail Shake provides "A fool and his monkey", a wonderfully fun song, that Fire Fabulon just runs with it. 
10.   Another video montage by Kelly Joseph, to Cash O'Riley and the Down Right Daddies "Bad for you".
11.   The Red Elvises, (your favorite band!) has a great upbeat song in "the Joint was jumping", with classically trained dancers giving it a great go.  Kick up your heels, or just watch Courtney Flower do it!
12.   Another SWiG song, this time featuring the oh so sweet Sprockethole, dancing to "Get outta my way".
13.   The Detroit and now Italian sweetheart and superstar, Margaret Dollrod does it all in, "You show me yours, and I'll show you mine".
14.   Variety, Talent and a bit of hot sauce with SATORI Circus performing "Burlesque"
15.   The best surf you can get in the fine state of Michigan, The Amino Acids "Astrosquid Part XIV" and more Fire Fabulon.
16.   If you like farm animals, then this one is for you!  Tera Bites burns the barn in "Cowbell" by Earline!
17.   The classic fan dance, Sparkly Devil  style, to," White Girl, Black Bootie" by Haf/Life
18.   One last dose of Fire Fabulon  to Cruds infamous, "Meat Detonation"
19.   "Red White and Blue" The Questions really have a great sound, and this is a cute little group number by several of the Spag performers.
20.   And we leave you with a bang!  Cars Can Be Blue gives us the perfect happy ending to this fun Detroit flick.  Enjoy the "Dirty Song", with great edits by Kelly Joseph of the best wild and crazy live show bits that were caught on film.
21.   All work and no Play make Spag a dull boy: end credits to "Bootie Call" by the Demolition Dollrods.
Also featured is an original score by Dr.Blackgolds Orchestra. 
Directors Statement
We filmed Spag teaze with the aim of following the classic format of the old Grind House Follies and the Betty Page Teaze-O-Ramas offered by Something Weird Video.  If you've ever seen them, you will know how fun, hokey, and cheesy they are. We love those movies, and ours is definitely up that alley!  But we also were really lucky to be able to compile a great soundtrack.  This film is fun to sit and watch, or to throw on in the background for a party.  It took us 4 years to film and edit the movie, and we also incorporated old footage from our past 10 years of stage performances.