
Art Audio Angst III - An All Around Assault

Along with dozens of others I made my way out to The Gateway Gallery to check out Art Audio Angst III, a series of art, audio and whatever magic Doc Colony can find to make a unique sensory experience. The artwork on display ranged from decorative skulls, colorful pop culture displays and some interesting pieces that can't truly be described by words. A couple of MCB finest, Rebecca Goldberg and Amy Palomar, had their own artwork on display with several more local artists.
During the show there were performances by Lady Fuschia's Ariel Performance, visuals by VJ and a really bizarre set from Dental Work. It was a great night to mix with the local artists that are working hard proving Detroit and its surrounding areas has a vibrant artistic community. 
If you missed AAAIII, you're still in luck, Doc Colony is planning a series of 10 shows and from what I took in at the show I can say I'll be marking my calendar down for the next one. Below are a few pictures I captured from the night and coming soon I'll have Most People Are DJs video documenting the show.

This Post by Mikel O.D. of