
Star Wars Night with the Detroit Derby Girls

Grand Prix Madonnas versus the D-Funk Allstars
Saturday, February 2nd at the Masonic Temple
$15, Doors at 6, bout starts at 7

Everything is better with Star Wars. Be on the lookout for these Star Wars themed items that will be passed out by the D-Funk Allstars.

A little input from Fatal Femme, Captain of the D-Funk Allstars:
Detroit Area Dork: What can you tell us about D-Funk's midseason draft picks?
Fatal Femme: We picked up two amazing transfers, Boomz and Rinky Hijinx. D-Funk is so excited to show them off during the Bout on Saturday. Due to an injury, Roxanna Hardplace will be sitting this one out, along with Ruby and Seoul. This is going to be a hard bout without them, but picking up these great vets is a huge plus for us.
D: Who do you think will have the most elaborate Star Wars costumes on Saturday?
F: This is way to hard to answer. This group of people LOVE over the top, and LOVE dressing up to theme even more. I have seen a sneak peak of Tig's from the Whippers costume, so I will have to go with her, ha-ha.