
Wild Bill Ketelhut provides the "blog" to this anti-blog

Wild At Heart

Getting ready to head out to see Passion Pit with Matt and Kim (you guys have to wait until Thursday) so I don’t really have much time to write that much so please forgive me. It was a busy weekend going to RIT basketball games, checking out some art exhibits, reading an entire novel (“A Cure For Cancer” by Michael Moorcock) and two great concerts (the lovely violinist Laura Cortese and New Orleans blues rocker Bryan Lee). Callahan’s needs to bring in this guy. He did a free show at one of the Athletic Clubs here and rocked for a solid 2 hours followed by autographs and talking to fans. A truly wonderful performer who has worked with Buddy Guy, Eric Clapton, etc and can really get the fans rocking.

I was also ticked off by an idiot driver who was backing out of his driveway and didn’t see me. I barely missed swerving on the icy roads which wouldn’t allow me to stop. Luckily he didn’t block the whole lane and I had a small window to get around him. The worst part is he gave me a dirty look like it was my fault. I don’t think he realized that most people would not have missed him under those road conditions. I noticed he wasn’t really slowing down so I put my breaks on a bit even if they really weren’t working on the snowy roads. So he is lucky he isn’t paying more for his car insurance and I’m glad my truck is not back in the shop due to another driver not paying attention to the road. People like that really piss me off because I drive so carefully most of the time that there should be no reason to miss a big truck heading straight for you. It’s not like I drive or Kia or something like that.

Anyway, here are a few concerts you can unwind with this week:

Tuesday (2/19) – Amy Gore and Her Valentines @ Majestic Cafe

Wednesday (2/20) – Brian Vander Ark @ the Ark

Thursday (2/21) – Passion Pit w/Matt and Kim @ Compuware Arena (Plymouth)

Friday (2/22) – Bettye LaVette @ Detroit Institute of the Arts, Hot Club of Cowtown @ the Ark, the Reefermen @ Callahans

Saturday (2/23) – Suzanne Vega @ the Ark, Reverend Peyton’s Big Damn Band @ Canada South Blues Museum (Windsor), Electric Fire Babies @ Northern Lights Lounge, Tom Butwin @ Oak City Grille

Sunday (2/24) – Stephane Wrembel @ Cliff Bells, H2O @ Magic Stick

Ok, It later in the night and just got home from Passion Pit. They are a good band but Matt & Kim's live show just blew me away. It had a lot of energy and audience interaction, esp when Kim shaked her booty standing on the shoulders of fans. The electronic duo Icona Pop was also a nice treat to start the show. It was a great show despite the crying girl (every show has to have that one person who drinks too much or does the wrong drugs and starts ruining the fun of everyone else. Oh well, make sure you check out that show as it comes through Detroit. You will not be disappointed.