
Earn an artist grant from The Knight Arts Challenge Detroit

Q&A Session for The Knight Arts Challenge: Detroit

Saturday, March 23, 2013(11:00am until 12:00pm

Hatch Building, 3456 Evaline St., Hamtramck, MI

Grants for Detroit artists! The Knight Foundation is reaching out to
the Detroit art community, looking for individuals and groups to apply
for a grant.

Hatch is hosting an information session on Saturday, March 23rd at 11
am. Representatives from the foundation will exciting new initiative
is about and will then field questions.

The Knight Arts Challenge Detroit is a $9 million initiative to draw
the best and most innovative ideas out of local organizations and
individuals seeking to transform the community through the arts.
Whether you are an independent artist, business, established arts
institution, organization or individual we want to hear from you.

No idea is too large or too small,
as long as it follows three basic rules

Your idea is about arts.

Your project takes place in or benefits Detroit.

You find other funding to match Knight Foundation's grant.

The initial, two-question, 150-word applications are accepted at
KnightArts.org during an annual application period starting March 25.

For further info, go to

To read more about it, go to