
Reminder: come tell your story tomorrow at Detroit Mercantile Co - Sat 3/16 10am-4pm

Dont forget to tell your story Detroiters!
Here is your reminder that Tell: Detroit will be collecting stories of the city from this Saturday, March 16, from 10am - 4pm at the Detroit Mercantile Co. 
Anyone can contribute an anecdote to Tell: Detroit. 
Bring your friends and share a story of / to the city. 
You can record your anecdote in public, in private, on video or audio.
Come share your story and be part of this open archive. 

For more information, check it out on Facebook, or our website.
For questions, suggestions, or donations, feel free to email us. 
Because Tell: Detroit is a crowd-sourced archive, we are relying on people to contribute by spreading the word – so, please tell anyone you think would be interested in sharing their stories.