
Review of Dom La Nena debut album Ela

"Snazzy is as Snazzy Does!"
Gwen Joy is an artist who specializes in colorful folk art paintings. 
Life experience is her subject matter which is translated in a lyrical/mythical fashion.
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Dom La Nena’s debut album, Ela is a nice mix of quiet and meloncholy songs and more uptempo songs. Interesting percussion instrumentation, lovely Portuese and Spanish vocals, and the dynamic and multi textural cello instrumentation are the high points of these interesting and provocative 13 song debut cd.  Co-producer and label mate Piers Faccini further aids in the minimal arrangements. The lyrics are deeply searching and emotional in nature. I prefer the uptempo songs especially track # 4 "Batuque", track # 10 "Sambinha" and track #12 "Voce". I find this project is the most dynamic during these tracks.  Dom La Nena has an interesting history; in 2009, Dom performed as a cellist with English actress and singer Jane Birkin. For more information please visit www.domlanena.com.