
Testosterone: Creation & Destruction, Mural at the Hannan House 3/15

MCB - Attached find a picture of my large wall painting (8ft by 12ft) entitled "Testosterone: Creation & Destruction", on display at the Ellen Kayrod Gallery, on the ground floor of the Hannan House, with an opening this Friday night, 5pm-8pm. 

The piece uses Michaelangelo's "Creation of Man" as a basis for satire. n Michaelangelo's "Creation", God is about to touch Adam's index finger and impart to him the miracle of a soul. As we find Spanish Inquisition and in the many religious and secular wars subsequently fought, this Christian myth is now recognized as exceedingly far-fetched. 

It accordingly struck me, after 9/11, in a moment of illumination, that the "Creation of Man" should be redone. Updated as it were, to a modern interpretation, to reflect modern -- if minority -- insights. Hence in my satire, God is about to touch what Marlon Brando has called man's "nobel tool", thereby transmitting the hormone testosterone to his creation, and by this means explaining to a puzzled world, man's continuous need to prosecute insane and irrational wars, to obtain otherwise peaceful and negotiable goals.

The piece is part of a the larger show called "Experiments" (below description).

There will be a lecture in April as well explaining the Testosterone work and other paintings and sculptures in the show.




In Charcoal, Oil, Acrylic & Bronze

by Ray Macdonald

Growing up in the Cass Corridor community, Ray studied art at Wayne State University

and has taught and exhibited locally for many years. He has published articles on

art theory in scholarly journals, including Getty Museum publications. His work

demonstrates true conviction and sincerity of style, bringing to the Kayrod Gallery a

very special exhibit.

Opening Reception

Friday, March 15, 2013

5:00-8:00 pm

Gallery hours are Monday – Thursday by appointment, and Fridays 9 am-7pm.

The Gallery is closed weekends.

For more information about the gallery contact visit www.Hannan.org