

MCV Fundraiser


It's amazing what can be accomplished when a community bands together. The Macomb Vigilante's are one such community. They've been quietly having monthly fundraisers for good causes. It's time we expand the support and community. This month's fundraiser is for Donna Neal's kidney transplant. We're going to let Donna win your heart.

I cannot begin to express my gratitude and appreciation to all the people that have opened their hearts and their wallets to help me. I’m in AWE at the hard work and creativity of the organizers and supporters of this venture. There are people that I don’t even know that are making a major difference in my quality of life. How does a person express the overwhelming emotions that something like this elicits? All I can say is THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart! Unless you have lived with a debilitating disease like PKD, you would have no idea what this means to me. I thank you, and my family thanks you. My children will get their mother back, my husband will have his wife back, and my brother will have his sister back. I can travel again and see people that I haven’t been able to visit for years. I can swim again. All of this because of the kindness of strangers. My sincerest thanks!!! Donna Neal

If's it like the last one, it's money well spent. Patrolled parking, food, music, raffles. And a lot of cool people gathered together for a good cause.

APRIL 20th
21665 Groesbeck Warren Mi.
$5 Donation
Doors Open at 2:00pm
Live Music
Night Prowler
Banned from earth
Banned from Hell
(Sabbath Tribute)

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