

YES  The Fox Theater 28

YES live, is a musical and visual treat. Seeing the stage as I entered, I knew it was going to be amazing. The shining drum kit, the keyboard station, the multiple guitar stands, the large screen in the back and the many light towers. I was not let down.
YES is an iconic band. Most people have at least heard of them. I knew them only from what was played on the radio, which I enjoyed. I seen the sheet music for "Roundabout," which, for a novice musician, was intimidating. Their music would and rival any piece of classical music.
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The opening song, "Close to the Edge," was epic. It was the first time I heard it. It started softly and slow, then it started to build and then came to a climax. It wasn't over, there was an interlude/bridge that lead to another building of the song with lyrics. The power and feeling of the song stopped me from taking photos, to just listen and take in the song. To watch the artistry happening in front of me.
I now have a deeper appreciation of YES. I hope this is a beginning of them playing on a semi-regular basis. Any fan of music would do themselves a favor to get out and see YES on this tour or any that may follow.
The Full Set
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