
Show Preview: CSS and IO Echo Magic Stick Thursday, June 27

After a little hiatus and a lineup change CSS in all their Brazilian glory are headed back to Detroit to play a show that is sure to playfully dazzling. Known in the past for some of their risque songs like "Let's Make Love and Listen to Death from Above," CSS songs contain bits of reggae, punk and dance. Their latest album is Planta was just released a little over a week ago. Included on the album is their single "Hangover," a song that features Tim Armstrong from Rancid.

Warming up the show is IO Echo who have been getting exposure for their song "Outsiders". The band is fronted by Ioanna Gika and Leopold Ross who also played in the indie psych band Big Pink. They played here just a few months ago opening for Garbage. I missed that show so I'll definitely be going to this one.

You can catch both bands at the Magic Stick on Thursday, doors are at 8pm.