

"Find Jimmy!  Dig a hole!"

             With this brief but stirring rallying cry, organizers are set to mobilize the population of Michigan July 30 to aid the energetic, always-entertaining, but as yet ineffective efforts of federal law-enforcement officials to locate the remains of the late labor leader, Jimmy Hoffa. 

             The first annual observation of Jimmy Hoffa Day, set to correspond with the actual date of Hoffa's disappearance in 1975, is not only a celebration of the man himself, or of the heroic efforts of law enforcement officials, who have dug up acres of everything from pastureland to asphalt, and at one point dismantled an above-ground swimming pool in hopes of discovering Hoffa's remains.  It is also a moving display of can-do spirit and community effort from the Michigan populace. 

             "We want to find Jimmy Hoffa," an event organizer explains. 

"He's been gone for so long. 

We're just not wild about spending tax dollars to do it. 

We can do this on our own!"

 The solution to finding Hoffa's remains, as organizers frame it, is a simple matter of getting enough Michiganders involved: 

"We are asking every Michigan resident to take a shovel and dig a hole somewhere on your land.  Anywhere will work." 

 This "every little bit counts" attitude has given rise to another of the movement's mottos: "No hole too big, no hole too small!"  On their facebook page, organizers list the huge variety of activities that would fall under the broad scope of a Jimmy Hoffa Day observance: "Use mechanical equipment if you have it.  Rent a bobcat!  Host a Hoffa Day bring-your-own-beer-and-shovel party for your friends.  Feel free to destroy your barn or your driveway.  Just don't come asking us to replace it, (like the FBI would).. we don't have any money!"

Even if Michiganders aren't physically able to dig a hole, the organizers of Jimmy Hoffa Day still see ways for them to contribute – and benefits for contributing.  "If you're not able to personally participate, we'd encourage you to call the FBI and tip them off that he's buried on your property.  You might just get lucky and end up with a new driveway or barn, compliments of the US government!  All these years later, Jimmy keeps helping the common man. What a legacy."

             Organizers are also aware that, even with the widespread community involvement they expect the new holiday to generate, it may be a some time before Hoffa's remains are found.  But they're in it for the long haul, and encouraging supporters to take that perspective as well:  "Don't get discouraged if you don't find Jimmy on your first try.  The FBI has spent millions of dollars over almost forty years, and your success record is just as good as theirs."
