
Passage: a Photography Exhibit by PD Rearick

Hatch is proud to present Passage, a photography exhibit by PD Rearick. This exhibit considers the coincidence of moving towards a destination and where light meets the journey.  Transitions are made more significant when illuminated, since progress can be gauged based on the light passed through.  A little glow adds value to the passing moment, whether artificially or naturally lit, such as street lamps on a darkened highway, radiance between rain showers, or high beams on a country road. These images recreate the special moments of brief security these pinpoints of light offer.

PD Rearick has a BA in Photography from Columbia College and an MFA in Photography from Cranbrook Academy of Art.

Hatch Gallery, 3456 Evaline St., Hamtramck
Opening: Saturday, July 27, 2013, 6 pm – 10 pm
Show runs through Saturday, August 31, 2013

Gallery Hours: Saturdays, 1 pm – 6 pm beginning August 3rd

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