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Show Preview: Bow Wow Wow and Gene Loves Jezebel Token Lounge Friday

I remember laughing under my breath when my parents would exclaim how excited they were about all the old bands that were back in town and how they wanted to see them again.  I’m sure if my kids had any idea who Bow Wow Wow and Gene Loves Jezebel are they’d be laughing at my expense as well. Actually, they might know of Bow Wow Wow because who at this point hasn’t heard “I Want Candy”? Although the version they heard was probably from some teen star. They’d also probably find the mock goth/glam garb of Gene Loves Jezebel with their shared vocals and those little shrieks and screams pretty hilarious. But to me both these bands are golden.  Bow Wow Wow was a sexy, fun band that played tribal rockabilly fronted by a female lead singer with a mohawk and an attitude. Gene Loves Jezebel was fronted by twin brothers that began their career with dark goth tracks then transitioned into a light, throwaway  rock band with songs that were still unmistakably catchy.  Thus, this Friday at Token Lounge I am going to relive my youth in all its glory when both bands take the stage. It won’t be quite the same because Gene Loves Jezebel has just one front person these days and Bow Wow Wow are touring with a replacement lead singer. I’ll take what I can get though and if my kids laugh at me I’ll remind them of it in 2 decades when One Direction does a comes back tour.