
Upcoming THIS WEEKEND: Tape Eaters VHS Convention and Adjust Your Tracking:The Untold Story of the VHS Collector documentary screening in Ann Arbor

This weekend a gathering for anyone who is interested (or not) in collecting VHS and dead formats of yore will be held .

THE TAPE EATERS 2 VHS CONVENTION being held this Saturday will be specializing in Horror, Exploitation, Drive-In, Oddball, Weirdo, Sleaze, Obscure, & Grindhouse cinema.

Many vendors and cinephiles will be at the Tape Eaters 2 Convention including :

The event will take place on Saturday, July 13th at the The 3rd Death Star located at 613 N. Main St in Ann Arbor, MI from Noon to 8PM. No cover for the event.

The night before at the same venue (the 3rd Death Star) there will be a FREE screening of
 Adjust Your Tracking: The Untold Story of the VHS Collector. Adjust Your Tracking is a feature-length documentary directed by Levi "Dabeedo" Peretic and Dan Kinem about VHS collecting and the people who still cherish what many refer to as a "dead format." 
Showtime at 8 PM (limited seating).