
August Brewing Chemistry

An informal monthly lecture series
to be held the 3rd Tuesday of every month
at Traffic Jam & Snug in Detroit

An evening of libations, edible delights and science inquiry 

August's Topic:
Tastes Great, Less Killing:
The Benefits of a High Fat Diet

Presented by:
Presented by: Arthur Bull, Ph.D.,
Professor of Biochemistry & Chair, Department of Chemistry,
Oakland University, Rochester, MI

This talk will be a, hopefully not too random, walk through lipid-land from the deadly trans-fats to the miracle lipids found in Cheez Whiz, beef, and kangaroo meat. The physical chemistry of lipids is crucial to the food industry whereas the biochemistry of lipids is crucial to health and disease. An attempt will be made to identify areas in which the two concerns meet, with emphasis on the nuclear receptor PPAR as a master regulator of lipid effects on biological systems. The PPAR story is a prime example of two seemingly unrelated areas of investigation finding common ground with the subsequent leap in understanding that accompanies such discoveries.

Tuesday, August 20th, 2013 at 7 PM
There is no admission charge, and free parking is available.
Feel free to join us before the talk at 6:00 PM for a dutch-treat dinner.
Traffic Jam & Snug
511 West Canfield Street, Detroit, MI 48201
The Traffic Jam and Snug, established 1965, is known for their in-house bakery, microbrewery, dairy, and made-from-scratch dishes.