
Black Jake's Halloween Showcase

Where: Woodruff's Bar, 36 E. Cross St, Ypsilanti, MI
When: Friday, October 25 @ 9pm
Why: Because it's Halloween!
How: Any old how!

When the crypt doors creak and the tombstones quake
spooks come out for a swingin' wake
happy haunts materialize, and begin to vocalize....

It's Black Jake's Halloween Showcase!!!

This Friday in good Ol' Ypsilanti, we're taking over Woodruff's Bar for a Halloween show befitting the name Black Jake. For a mere six bones (or eight if you come uncostumed), you shall bear witness to an evening of entertainment featuring The Gepetto Files, hecklable 16mm film shorts. a costume pageant, all of it topped off with a hand-crafted seasonal set by Black Jake & the Carnies.

The night starts off with a series of 16mm film shorts, submitted for your ridicule with Chris Dean behind the reel. Following that, heavy metal puppet show The Gepetto Files rises from the grave for their first show in three years! And for a little something special, Jake will play MC to the Princess Pumpkin Pageant!! Lame name, but if you win, you drink on the Carnies' tab the rest of the night! Few will win, but we'll buy a drink for each finalist just for volunteering, win or lose! There will be a costume contest... and donuts... and apples... and yes, there will be blood!!! Allow us to treat you like the Pumpkin Princess you were born to be!

So if you don't have your costume yet (slacker!), get crackin' and join us Friday in Depot Town!