
UPCOMING: "Altered Perceptions" Exhibit by Jan Brown at Northville Art House January 3rd 2014


"Altered Perceptions," the work of Jan Brown

Opening Reception, January 3, 2014


Be a pART of it!  The Northville Art House is proud to present another great exhibit the month of January.


A life-long artist, Jan Brown began her journey into abstract expressionism three years ago.  Her paintings force viewers to alter their perceptions on how a painting can move them, how pre-conceived ideas can change, and how color, line and shapes can cause reactions that sometimes force people out of their comfort zones.  Through her nonrepresentational work, the audience is forced to confront memories, hidden images and emotions and find their own messages within the art.


The show opens First Friday, January 3, 2014 and continues through February 1 during regular gallery hours, Wednesday through Saturday, 1 to 5 p.m.


For further information, please call 248-344-0497.  The Art House is located at 215 W. Cady Street and is a facility of the City of Northville. 





Opening Reception "Altered Perceptions", First Friday, January 3, 2014,

6-9 p.m.


Regular Gallery Hours (Wed-Sat, 1-5 pm)

Northville Art House

215 W. Cady St.

Northville, MI  48167

248-344-0497 or www.northvillearthouse.org.



Image:  "Reality Wavers" by Jan Brown