
This Friday Fusion Shows 6th BDay w/Front Bottoms, Kevin Devine, City Lights and more

It was last Spring at the Why? show when two girls told me the band I need to check out is Front Bottoms who write "the best songs ever." I chalk it up to naive youthful enthusiasm and tuck Front Bottoms to the back of my mind to look into someday. Time passes, I think I may have read a little on FB, enough to make ill-formed comparisons to Black Keys, a band I don't like. Months go by and a good friend of mine slips Front Bottoms name in an email so I decide to do them real justice. Listening to their latest "Talon of the Hawk." with songs that are immediately relatable and encouragingly easy to sing along with, I discover Front Bottoms are an amazing band that really do write the best songs ever.

This Friday, I get to experience Front Bottoms live as they are part of e Fusion's 6th birthday of bringing great shows to our area. Front Bottoms are playing  the Crofoot with a slew of other great bands. City Lights with their indie electronic pop will be there along with pop punk star, Kevin Devine.  Other bands include You Blew it, The Wild, Shapes and Colors and many more. If you want to join in on the fun check out the FB event link and the Crofoot events page for more info.