
Wild Bill Ketelhut provides the "blog" to this anti-blog

Wild At Heart

With the Golden Globes over and done with, I really feel behind the times having seen only five of the films nominated so far. Of course, with rare exception, most of the films came out in December or January around here. Two of those films I saw were animated films and only "Gravity" had multiple nominations of the rest. I am looking forward to seeing "Her" tomorrow though I have to admit that there are a lot of movies that I am dying to see if I had more free time. Films like "American Hustle", "Dallas Buyers Club", "Nebraska", "All Is Lost", "Blue Is The Warmest Color" and "Inside Llewyn Davis" are films that really seem to represent what I love about going to the movies. Great acting, beautiful cinematography and interesting stories to start off. To get myself pumped up to see "Her", I tracked down Spike Jonze 2010 short film "I'm Here" on youtube. I love the way he takes a idea and totally flips it on it's head. This short features a love story of two robots, one romantic and one accident prone, that maintains a lot of charm despite characters that look out of a rummage sale. Here is a link for you to check it out and if you have never seen a Jonze film before, prepare yourself for something unique. It's hard to believe this is the same guy who has directed videos for the Beastie Boys, Bjork and Arcade Fire plus some unique commercials. His whole catalog, like that of Cronenberg, presents a very distinct vision of a true artist.

I was also happy that 'Breaking Bad' and Bryan Cranston took top honors in what was one of my favorite shows of the last 10 years. However, if you are not at the movie theatre or catching up on TV shows, here are a few concerts you can check out.

Thursday (1/16) - Smokey Robinson @ Ceasar's Windsor

Friday (1/17) - Nick Moss @ Callahans, Sheryl Crow @ Cobo Arena

Saturday (1/18) - Reverend Horton Heat w/Creepshow @ Majestic Theatre

Sunday (1/19) - Ronny Cox @ Trinity House Theatre (Livonia)