
SIXX:AM does 90210? (in from an MCB reader)

So we gave away the new book from Nikki Sixx of SIXX:AM (Motley Crue) last week and all was well but then we got an email back from the reader who won and she was talking about how SIXX:AM is being featured on the new 90210 playing their new song "Tomorrow"
etc etc and we should post it on MCB

I explained to her how MCB isnt that kind of website but she emailed back that we should be...

..I don't even know what channel that is on...but it it turns out to be true - I would have never guessed that they would remake the 90210 TV series let alone that SIXX:AM would be playing as a featured artist.

Anyway - if your are a winner of a contest on this website - DO NOT EMAIL US BACK unless you have something free for us or something....anyway -to the winner..here you go - posted.

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