
Something Like A War by John Kalogerakos (SLAW)

Something Like A War is a new weekly comic that will be running
on MCB thanks to our newest contributor John Kalogerakos
We will let him fill you in on the characters and everything
next week but for now enjoy the guys Evans and English
as they discuss the People's Arts Festival 2009
John is a life long Metro Detroiter, who currently lives in the Indian Village area. He has been a Hair Dresser for over ten years, which has provided him with the wonderful ability to pursue many other interests, which includes attending Wayne State University as a full time student majoring in English Literature with an Art minor.

John also has a webcomic called Pointe East which can
be read every Monday through Friday at www.Pointe-East.com.

In his free time John enjoys reading, comic books, movies, soccer and coffee and music.
Please feel free to Email John at
jekalog@gmail.com if you have any questions or comments.