
Sun Sept 13th -- Local MC featured in season finale of HBO's HUNG

HBO's summer series "HUNG" has been doing pretty well
for a 1st year show getting good press and ratings which it should
its pretty funny
The show is about a local detroiter who was in the big leagues but fell from stardom.
He ends up becoming the physical education teacher at a local high school.
Over the years his life becomes more difficult as he loses his wife - his kids and his lakefront family home to a fire. After reconnecting with a woman he had a one night stand with some time before they hatch "Happiness Consultants" as a service to women who need a night in the sack with no strings attached.
The show in general is funny with slick writing and lots of cool Detroit backdrop such as Gusoline Alley and Harpos - and tons of others locals you would recognize.

This week is the season finale and featured in the Coney Island scene
is non other than local MC Da Enigma who not only provides the lyrical boost
but also got to play a stand in role on set

Check out HUNG this Sunday 10pm on HBO