
Upcoming Satori Circus Performances

Wondering what's up with Satori Circus? Well, our demented clown friend is keeping busy as usual. Here are some of his upcoming performances from the man himself.

Hey Everyone -

Hope you're all well and groovy! I'll try not to be too verbose...(haha)...so I'll get to.

SATORI CIRCUS has some great things happening before the end of this month and beginning of October. (There is tons happening in October, that I can get to another time.)

Coming up:
Sept. 25th & 26th (Oct. 2nd & 3rd)
I'll be performing at the famous Dirty Show...this time its the 10.5. There promises to be some new great stuff in performance and in Dirty Art I hear - can't wait!. For more info: http://www.dirtyshow.org/

Sept. 27th
I'll be at Cliff Bell's for another wonderful and electric evening of cabaret and burlesque accented by some very talented Detroit performers.
Info: http://www.myspace.com/torchwithatwist

Then on Oct. 2nd
SC will be doing a four hour performance that is part of the Art Detroit Now event. The performance will begin at 6p and go to 10p. Attached is an itinerary - including galleries and approximate performance times.

I've also included two photos by Trever Long - a CCS Photography Senior, who will be documenting the performance, along with Tim Suliman, Eastside Elvis drummer, who will be the videographer...plus a very simple Press Release.

The closer we get to this event, I will post a map all over the place...and will have fliers.
Hope you all can make it to one of these amazing events....for more info on Art Detroit Now, please check out: http://www.artdetroitnow.com/2009.html

My Very Best to YOU all...
Cheers and once again, THANKS for your support!