
MCB in Paris France on Special Assignment

MOTORCITYBLOG was in Paris France this past week/end in search of the real Detroit
The city is dense and thick not only in geographic footprint but in population and air pollution....the city is dirty and dank and although there is plenty to see there isn't much to do besides shop, go to museums and sit at cafes drinking $12 cokes and dealing with waiters who know you are an american...overall I give it a C as in cya later and back to DeTwat...
5 days in Paris is more than enough for us

there are plenty of good reasons to go to Paris but here are....

MCB's Top Ten Reasons NOT to go to Paris.

10-French girls are hot and you are married

9-French girls know they are hot AND that YOU are married

8-The dollar is so weak that dinner for two costs $60
- AT McDonalds

7-French onion soup is more like yogurt

6-Asking for ketchup is a cardinal sin

5-Getting ice in your drink is nearly impossible
4- 8 hrs on the plane sitting next to someone you want to forget
the minute you see them eyeing the seat next to you
3-Everyone dresses better than you even though they are unemployed
2-A ham sandwich consists of stale bread
- 1 thin slice of cheese
- 1 very thin slice of ham
and no condiments

1-Waiting for the check from the waiter takes longer
than you took to eat your entire meal