
Hamtramck Blowout schedule not a factor

I moved back here in 2003 and really thought the Blowout was one of the funnest few days I had for a few years
It was pretty diverse and the shows I happened to attend had large signs that read

after MCB's mini fiasco last year that cost me an additional $140 thanks to the MT staff who wouldn't transfer a photographers bracelets I am unsure if we are going to even cover the blowout at all

out of all of our peeps we have 7 photo of them ready to roll
tall kiwi girls want to do interviews for a newspaper in Chistchurch NZ and GGBB are always good for a smooch or two so its still up in the air

sure its a great event that celebrates detroit music and I could care less who plays or who is accepted because we cover everyone but after destroying 4 hours of video from last years shows due to the unprofessional and shit attitude at MT that we had to deal with its better just to pay for our entry and not have to hook in with people who act like they own you - fuck off

the best thing we heard so far is bands are going to sneak up on stage and play anyway without acceptance
Hamtramck rules.

if you would like someone from MCB to cover your set at the Hamtramck Blowout
email us and we will be there...