
Brill @ The Performance Network in Ann Arbor until February 10th

"Snazzy is as Snazzy Does!"
Gwen Joy is an artist who specializes in colorful folk art paintings. 
Life experience is her subject matter which is translated in a lyrical/mythical fashion.
                                                               Follow Gwen's snazzy street reviews weekly here on Motorcityblog                        
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Local playwright David Wells premiered his play Brill a few weeks ago at The Performance Network in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Wells teamed up with local singer/musician Frank Allison who wrote the music. Allison is well known for his band The Odd Sox. The historical content and setting for Brill is intriguing. The play takes place in the Brill building in 1959. Countless songwriters and singers and bands have produced gem after gem in this historical building. There are two principle characters in Brill and their interaction works best during funny and free spirited moments. There discussions about musical taste are very entertaining. The dissections of Tutti Fruity and How Much is That Doggie in the Window were charming and you could sense a relationship developing there. As the story develops feelings become more complex and the truths in this relationship become apparent. The journey of a nineteen year old girl selling a song in the elevator of the Brill building to a girl with a hit record is a unusual one. This play will be at Performance Network until February 10th. Check out http://www.performancenetwork.org/ for more info