
Jennifer Rubell - Thursday Feb 14th at 7pm -- Woodward Lecture Series at CCS

The College for Creative Studies

is pleased to announce

The Woodward Lecture Series Winter/Spring 2013 Lectures

Thursday, February 14 at 7:00pm:

Jennifer Rubell, a conceptual artist who uses food to create participatory artwork that is a hybrid of performance art, installation, and happenings.  Her pieces are often staggering in scale and sensually arresting, frequently employing food and drink as media: one ton of ribs with honey dripping on them from the ceiling; 2,000 hard-boiled eggs with a pile of latex gloves nearby to pick them up; 1,521 doughnuts hanging on a free-standing wall; a room-sized cell padded with 1,800 cones of pink cotton candy.  Viewers are encouraged to partake in the work, violating the traditional boundaries of art institutions and engaging senses usually forbidden in or absent from museum and gallery contexts. Some of Rubell's notable previous projects include Old-Fashioned, at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art; The de Pury Diptych at the Saatchi Gallery, London; Icons, at the Brooklyn Museum; Creation, for Performa, the New York performance-art festival; and, since 2001, a yearly breakfast project in the courtyard of the Rubell Family Collection in Miami during Art Basel Miami Beach.  Rubell, 42, received a B.A. from Harvard University in Fine Arts, and subsequently attended the Culinary Institute of America. She wrote about food for over a decade prior to beginning her artistic practice, including columns in the Miami Herald and Domino magazine, and the book Real Life Entertaining (Harper Collins). 


The Woodward Lecture Series is made possible by a generous endowment gift from an anonymous donor.

Lectures are free, open to the public, and take place in CCS's Wendell W. Anderson Jr. Auditorium, Walter B. Ford II Building, Walter & Josephine Ford Campus, in Detroit's Midtown Cultural Center.  Seating and parking are available on a first-come, first-served basis.

For more information, please call 313-664-7800 or visit www.collegeforcreativestudies.edu/events/woodward