
One Mighty Fine Art Show this Week

"City Wolves: New Paintings from The Detroit Frontier by Taurus Burns"

One night only.

Taurus will have more than twenty new Detroit paintings on display, including several with wolves as well as individual wolf paintings.

Artist's statement: " I moved to Detroit in 1998 to study Fine Arts at the College for Creative Studies (grad ’02).  In 2008, with a desire to grow and connect with Detroit, I began an exploration of this epic city, venturing up and down unfamiliar streets, swirling through foreign neighborhoods while using my digital camera to capture the often overlooked majesty of our fair city; the vibrancy mixed with strife, the truth in the tragic beauty of its ruin and now the incandescent energy of it’s golden rebirth.  I began a body of work inspired by these many outings, and this is when paintDetroit.com was born.  Over time this series has become my way to celebrate this undeniably unique American city, engage with its many treasured residents and truly understand Detroit’s deep, rich cultural history.  All of this exploring and learning has granted me the sacred ability to use my art as a way to connect with real people in their natural environment, and for that I am deeply and most sincerely grateful."