
Patrick Krief @PJ's Lager House

Patrick Krief
w/DaVila, and Grind Scheme
Friday, March 1st, at PJ's Lager House
$6, 9PM

For Patrick Krief the existence of Hundred Thousand Pieces is nothing short of miraculous.

It’s a culmination of a journey that began at the knee of his musically inclined uncle — where a young Patrick scratched at the six strings his older self would master; an expedition that truly took flight when, filtered through the songbooks of Messers McCartney, Lennon, Harrison and Hendrix, the 13-year-old guitar prodigy snuck into bars around his native Montreal, jamming with their house bands and one that continues to mature with every face-melting flurry the virtuoso burns into the blown minds of audiences the world over.

Within the album’s songwriting, keen listeners can hear the triumphs and scars accumulated though nearly 8 years spent on the road with orchestral indie-rock innovators The Dears – a duty began as a short 5 week tour and continues to this day – as well as his own ex-musical powerhouse Black Diamond Bay.

Captured in its sparse beautifully heartbreaking, cinematic arrangements, one can hear the anguish of a heart left broken, beating its last tortured beats for the listener, exposing Patrick Krief’s soul, unencumbered.

Produced and performed almost entirely by the man himself (Drums, Piano, Keys, Bass, Guitar, Percussion and Vocals), Hundred Thousand Pieces is an album that demands repeated listens to be understood.

With Hundred Thousand Pieces, Patrick Krief presents the listener with his life up to the point of completion; a miraculous gift not to be denied.