
Show Review Extravaganza! Young Empires and Royal Teeth The Shelter Fri Feb 1

Sometimes you attend a show that you know years later you're going to look back and say "I saw them when they played the Shelter in front of maybe 100 people and look now they are playing front of 5,000." The difference with the show I saw on Friday with Young Empires and Royal Teeth is the same could be said for either band as they both have the chops and talent to be the next big things. But, before I get to them, don't think I'm leaving out local warm up band, Flashclash, in those same thoughts as they continue to hone their dance rock into something truly special.


Royal Teeth were the big surprise to me as I hadn't heard much from them, but they have a single called "Wild" that is starting to get some buzz. It's a big song with nice male/female vocals and a singalong chorus that is so infectious that it will be on repeat for days follow.A six member band that includes both a male and female vocalist and drums all around for everyone! They kicked off a with boisterous song starter and had the crowd singing and dancing with them for the rest of their set.

Royal Teeth

The headline for the night was Young Empires, a 4-member band from Toronto that call their sound "haute rock" as they take elements of dance, rock and fashion and meld it into a sound that recalls both the groove of the Rapture and the pop hooks of the Killers. I spoke to Matt, the lead singer and synth player of the band about their tour before the show:

A big thanks goes out to 93.9 The River for bring the show our way and continuing to promote good new music.

Here are a few pics of Young Empires and the crowd (look close and you might even see me in a couple of them).

This Post by Mikel O.D. of