
Free Tickets: International Pop Overthrow @PJ's Lager House

April 4-6
PJ’s Lager House (1254 Michigan Avenue)

The purpose of International Pop Overthrow is two-fold: one aim is to give every worthy band who’d like to play their music in a festival atmosphere the chance to do so, and the other is to bring pop music the attention it so richly deserves. They've made great strides to that end, garnering press in several noteworthy papers in each city where they hold the festival, and creating a very positive buzz about pop music within the inner circles of major labels. We’re looking forward to the very real possibility that a number of bands who have played IPO will grab the brass ring and receive major label deals.

Send an email to motorcityblog@earthlink.net for your chance to win a pair of tickets

Thursday, April 4:
7:30 Elliot Street Lunatic
8:15 The Bell Beat
9:00 Vox Vera
9:45 The Means
10:30 The Pounders
11:15 Half Light Music
Friday, April 5:
7:30 Matt Fig
8:15 The Secrets
9:00 Bazooka Jones
9:45 The Romeo Flynns
10:30 Woodward
11:15 Mike Leslie Band
12:00 Dave Rave
Saturday afternoon, April 6:
1:00 George Morris
1:45 A Band Called Mithras
2:30 The Afterburners
3:15 The Hendersons
4:00 Johnny Spark & The Boys
4:45 Jeremy
Saturday evening, April 6:
7:30 The Sugar Clouds
8:15 The Phenomenal Cats
9:00 Chris Degnore and the Black Drops
9:45 Chris Richards & The Subtractions
10:30 Fireking
11:15 The Blue Squares
12:00 The Hand Grenades