
Blowout 2013: Night 1

Opening night for the Blowout wasn't a kickoff so much as a preview of what's to come. Most of the bands being "previewed" are scheduled for the Ferndale weekend, not the Hamtramck one. The real theme for the night was finding out how many assholes can stand in place on the stairway to the Magic Stick and block all foot traffic.

The first several hours I was there was a bust. I expected to like the performance from Loretta Lucas, since I always liked her stuff before, but it didn't do anything for me. The drudgery was finally ended by Flint Eastwood. They started their set with spaghetti western hooks, and it drew me in. I'm a little scared of the lead singer though. She gets angry when the crowd isn't participating enough. She'll even call people out, "Hey you, in the white shirt, sing it!". I hope she doesn't stab me when they next play at the Loving Touch on Thursday (May 2nd), at 11:10.

Flint Eastwood was immediately followed by Craycrays downstairs at the Garden Bowl. They killed it. Showing up for this preview night was finally paying off. Their next performance is Saturday at the Polish National Alliance Lounge at 10:20.

After a little more boredom there was Alexis, an electro-pop duo from Grand Rapids downstairs. Who know you could buy jeggings in Grand Rapids. They can be seen next at the Loving Touch, Saturday, May 4th, at 11:40. (Maybe Johnston is hoarding the best talent for his bars after all)

The night ended for me with Phantasmagoria and Fur upstairs. Most of the crowd had already left before me.

What I would like to see tomorrow
Hunters, 9:00-9:30, Polish National Alliance Lounge. A New York band making the Blowout one their tour stops.
All The Wild Children, 10:30-11:10 Whiskey in the Jar.
Bleached 12:20-12:50 Polish National Alliance Lounge. Another New York band on tour.
Meatmen, 1:00-1:40, Polish National Alliance Hall. At first you'll think you're watching an angry uncle being backed by a crew of nephews, but you'll enjoy it. I promise.

I realize there a few big time gaps in between some of those recommendations. I'm at a loss to find something during those times, and I'll be just as aimless as you will.

Snakewing and Terrible Twos @ Polish National Alliance Lounge
Electric Corpse @ Bakers Streetcar Bar
Doc Waffles and DJ Mel Wonder at New Dodge Lounge
Six and the Sevens and Caveman Woodman at Polish Village Cafe