
minor label records 420 FREE Community Social & Concert!

Saturday, April 20th. minor label records is proud to announce our first official event, a FREE COMMUNITY SOCIAL & CONCERT. It will be hosted upstairs at Hatchy's in Utica, MI and feature performances by Ty Stone, Paulina Jayne, Olivia Millerschin, RJ Schauer, Mike Leslie and more! Doors open at 8pm.

About Minor Label Records-

minor label records was founded in 2013 by Ty Stone, Bryan Reilly, and Randy Stephenson out of RMS Sound Studios in Birmingham, MI. It is a singles-based label strongly dedicated to outstanding music, songs, and songwriting. We are looking for incredible talent and music that may have been overlooked or ignored by the major label system. We’re offering first chances, second chances and third chances to the right artists and songwriters whose music and talent needs to be heard and promoted. If you have the talent, and the drive to push yourself to be your best, and the commitment to go out and promote your music, then we can give you the tools and the recordings to take your music to the next level. At minor label records, it’s not about making money, it’s about making music. We look forward to hearing, signing, developing and recording great songs and talent, then sharing it with all our friends and fans. If you think you might be a fit for minor label records, drop us a line, we’d love to hear you. And if you just love great music then come and participate in our events, spread the word, support our artists, and be a part of the minor label family. We hope to see you soon!


Facebook event link-