
Record Store Day: Milwaukee 2013.


by Mrs. Sabatke

This year’s Record Store Day (RSD) 2013 was on 4.20. Let it be known I was not on the chronic to get in line at 5:15am in 29 degree temperatures to be one of the first in line at the Exclusive Company to get the best releases.  When I arrived, I was number 18 in line, which meant I’d be in the second batch of people in the store when it opened.  The first three people in line arrived the night before at 11:30 pm.  As we waited for the store to open, l listened to people in regalia about previous RSD’s and their music best scores, how this day is turning into EBay Record Store Day. As daylight arrived, we chuckled at the people pulling up to the location right before 7am shaking their heads in how long the line was.  This year was different when it came to the “it” item. 

Everyone’s wants were varied.  Some items that people were clamoring for were the Mystery Release 7”, Sharon Van Etten 7”, and the Mumford and Son’s 10”. One item I was surprised to see go quickly was the number of limited edition cassettes.  Exclusive company takes great pride in this day.  They have ample staff to help you find the item and they placed the items in a better format. There was music scheduled throughout the day from local area musicians.

Our friends at Rush-Mor Records also had a steady stream of customers for the day.  They opened early to accommodate the onslaught of shoppers. The store was packed with the loyal faithful and some new faces.  The great thing about RSD at Rush-Mor is the blend of new and old punks/ rockers/ music fans talking about the music they love and recommending music to others. It is great to see vinyl making a comeback, but as Mick Jagger sang over the stereo, “what a drag it is to get old”.

This year’s commemorative tote took the 420 theme to heart.  I was lucky enough to get the elusive Jack White Ambassador Badge and a Korean Phoenix poster in my tote this year.  That to me was worth waiting in the bitter cold.  Again, year  three  for  BEST WIFE EVER!