
UPCOMING: Chief Pontiac 250th Anniversary Commemoration - 4/27/13

Chief Pontiac 250th Anniversary Commemoration

Lincoln Park, Michigan April 27, 2013

The National American Indian Movement, the National American Indian Movement Grand Governing Council, the American Indian Movement (AIM) of Michigan, the Lincoln Park Historical Society and Museum, and the City of Lincoln Park, Michigan are pleased to announce the 250th Anniversary Commemoration of Ottawa Chief Pontiac holding Council on the Ecorse River on April 27, 1763.  The commemoration events, funded in part by Chrysler Corporation and offered free of charge, will take place at Council Point Park on River Drive in Lincoln Park, from April 19 through April 28, 2013.  Numerous educational, cultural & entertainment programs are planned throughout the week with noted speakers relating Native American history, culture and current concerns. The new Michigan Historical Site Marker for Pontiac’s Council will be dedicated in a State ceremony as part of the commemoration on Saturday, April 27, 2013 at 5:00 P.M.  AIM will hold its annual Pow Wow on April 27th and 28th.    Funding opportunities are available and donations are being accepted to help defray the costs of the public event. 

To reflect the popularity of the Pontiac name over the years, a Classic Pontiac Car Show is being planned for Thursday, April 25 at Council Point Park, beginning at 5:00 P.M..  Grammy-award winning singer-songwriter Bill Miller will present  a concert on Friday, April 26 at 6:00 P.M. , followed by a twilight showing of the 2008 film, “Older than America,” directed by Georgina Lightning.

The original Council was called for April 27, 1763 by Pontiac with hundreds of chiefs and warriors of many Native Nations in attendance, including Ottawa, Potawatomi, Wyandot (Huron) and Chippewa.  Here, plans were set in motion to capture the forts in the Great Lakes and Ohio Valley regions and expel the British who gained control of the vast territory from the French at the close of the French and Indian War.  Pontiac’s plans for an initial attack at Fort Detroit on May 7 were discovered by Major Henry Gladwin, turning his attempt for a quick capture into a nearly six-month-long siege, during which the significant Battle of Bloody Run took place on July 31.   Nine of the region’s critical forts were subsequently taken by the alliance of Nations in a matter of a few weeks time.  ‘Pontiac’s War’ became one of the earliest and most significant wide-spread efforts in the First Nations’ goal to maintain their ancestral homelands.  It would not be enough to stem the tide of European and later American advancement, however.

Funding opportunities are available, and donations are being accepted to help defray the costs of this monumental free event by contacting the American Indian Movement of Michigan, a 501(c)3 organization, Executive Director Bryan Halfday  at Phone 313-427-0631