
Review of The Mountaintop at The Performance Network In Ann Arbor, MI

"Snazzy is as Snazzy Does!"
Gwen Joy is an artist who specializes in colorful folk art paintings. 
Life experience is her subject matter which is translated in a lyrical/mythical fashion.
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The Mountaintop written by Karori Hall, is a play about the last hours of Martin Luther King Jr's life. This will be shown until June 2nd at The Performance Network in Ann Arbor, Michigan.  The play takes place in a hotel room in Memphis and the only roles are Martin Luther King Jr. and a highly spirited African American maid named Camae who has a fondness for Malcom X, speaking bluntly, cussing, smoking, and in the course of their time spent together offers Martin a lot of advice about his upcoming search and other issues. Her identity is mysterious and you find yourself thinking how odd it is for a maid to be spending so much time in one customer's room. There is quite a plot twist and the play takes a new direction in the middle of the play. The tone goes from playful and candid to much more serious. I don't want to give anymore away. There are some witty lines spoken by Camae and a cool chemistry between both actors. The film montage is enjoyable at the end as well. Visit http://www.performancenetwork.org/ for more info.

photo by Sean Carter