
SATURDAY 5/11 - Geotheism: Contemporary Art Explores Architecture and Religion - North End Studios to Host Exhibition Featuring Local and International Artists Chris Adams, Pierre Chaumont and Marco Terenzi

Geotheism: Contemporary Art Explores

Architecture and Religion

North End Studios to Host Exhibition Featuring Local and International

Artists Chris Adams, Pierre Chaumont and Marco Terenzi


North End Studios is pleased to announce an exhibition entitled Geotheism featuring the artwork of

Pierre Chaumont, Marco Terenzi and Chris Adams on Saturday May 11th, 2013. The gallery will open to

the public at 7 p.m until 1 a.m.


Chaumont's installation, entitled Paturon Chimere, questions the relation between belief and

religion. "Throughout this entire process, I am asking questions to both the religious and atheists,

because they both believe in something," explained Chaumont, a 2011 graduate of Université du

Québec à Montréal with a Bachelor of Fine Art and Media. Paturon will also feature an engaging

performance ritual to take place at 9 p.m. See more of his work at pierrechaumont.com.

Detroit native Chris Adams' Detropolis explores the fictional portrayal of a city that is empty and

abandoned, using places and things to construct the atmosphere. "The atmosphere my work created is

strange, eerie, and somewhat sinister," says Adams, regarding his photographic prints. His work is not

intended to devalue or promote political awareness of any kind towards Detroit's often preconceived

reputation. Chris graduated in 2012 with a degree in Digital Video Production from Washtenaw

Community College and publishes a selection of his images at chrisadamsimagery.net.

College for Creative Studies graduate and architectural artist Marco Terenzi will also be featuring his

distinctive distressed architectural works. Terenzi describes his work as focusing on the relationship

between industry and nature. Marco added, "I am inspired by current events that I abstract to create

work that documents this time in history from my perspective."

Learn more about Marco at www.marcoterenzi.tumblr.com


Live music by special guest Solid Liquid will be performed throughout the evening. The gallery will

remain open until 1 a.m.


Geotheism opens on May 11 and will be open by appointment only through the 15th. Suggested

donation: $5. For more information about the exhibit, please visit http://bit.ly/geotheism.


About the gallery:

North End Studios (NES) is dedicated to the empowerment of the current and future generations of

artists and entrepreneurs, working to participate, establish and exist in the creative and DIY

communities of Detroit. Located at 5101 Loraine Street in Detroit, NES also offers mentorship and

opportunities for up and coming artists.


Please visit their website at http://www.northendstudiosdetroit.com for more information.