
Review of Boner & The Neudge at Go Comey in Ferndale

"Snazzy is as Snazzy Does!"
Gwen Joy is an artist who specializes in colorful folk art paintings. 
Life experience is her subject matter which is translated in a lyrical/mythical fashion.
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Boner & The Neudge is a slapstick play about two morning disc jockeys who are super focused on rock music; rock music and only rock music from the 80's. Starring Josh Campos, Brian Papandrea, Jen Bloomer, & Scott Vertical this is a fun play about dick jockey personalities and their clash with corporate radio. During a commercial break it is clear that their act is put on to some degree to attract listeners. They are ordered to play cruel pranks on unsuspecting listeners like a woman who was arrested in Omaha and kept breast feeding her baby, or a man who is losing his wife to multiple sclerosis. The station manager is a slithery character fond of saying cheesy current sayings like that was total amazeballs and hashtag is his eternal go to phrase. It is worth checking out. Go Comedy is excellent at producing shows that spin pop culture into something entertaining and witty. Visit http://www.gocomedy.net/ for more info