
TONIGHT!: The Sumner Brothers, critically acclaimed Canadian Alt-Country-Folk Outfit perform for their first time in Detroit at My Dad's Bar - Wednesday 6/12/2013

The Sumner Brothers, critically acclaimed Canadian Alt-Country-Folk Outfit in Detroit.
The Sumner Brothers perform for their first time in Detroit at My Dad's Bar.

The band's most recent release 'I'll Be There Tomorrow' has been one of the most critically acclaimed Alt-Country records in recent memory. It reached #17 on the Euro Americana Charts, Americanrootsuk.com (former Maverick writer) wrote "in a class of its" own" "five stars" "I wouldn't at all be surprised if this 5 star album ends up in my top 20 of all time" and the Georgia Straight called it "a Triumph". After being invited to perform material from the record for a taped, live in studio session for KEXP they are now set for their first tour of Ontario, Quebec and the Eastern Seaboard. They will be showcasing at NXNE and performing a live session for Daytrotter.com (Forbes magazine #1 most influential music site)

Wednesday June 12 2013
My Dad's Bar
14911 Kercheval

w/ The Eugene Strobe (Detroit)
& The Decamp Sisters (Detroit)


"The Sumner Brothers effortlessly combine all the disparate forms of
roots music to create a sound that elevates them to the top of the
heap (The Felice Brothers, Chatham County Line and The Avett Brothers
are all pushing and struggling not to fall off that same heap)."
Songs Illinois