
UPCOMING: What Goes Up Must Come Down at PCCA- Saturday, June 29, 2013 7:00 – 10:00 pm


For Artists and Art Lovers Alike:

What Goes Up Must Come Down: One Night Only!

Saturday, June 29, 2013 7:00 – 10:00 pm


Paint Creek Center for the Arts has invites individuals all over Southeast Michigan to hang artwork in our galleries for a one-night show and sale. We're also inviting art lovers and collectors to come see all the goodies and find something they can't live without.


Visit visit www.pccart.org for more info


If you're an individual with original artworks to sell, bring up to five pieces to PCCA. We'll provide the wall space, tools and nails, and help you hang your work. If you own some original artwork that you've decided is no longer the right thing for you, bring it in and hang it on the wall and offer it for sale. If you're an art lover, a collector, or an area resident who is always looking for the next wonderful thing, come on in and see what's on the walls. You just might find the perfect treasure. Everyone is invited to join us for a great party with plenty of food and drink, while you look at all the beautiful work and make your purchases.


       Individuals may bring up to five artworks, ready to hang.

       ORIGINAL ARTWORKS ONLY. Whether you created it yourself, or you've decided you can part with something from your own collection, if it's original artwork you can bring it in.

       No commercial prints, white elephants, garage sale objects, posters, tchotchkes, framed jigsaw puzzles, etc., please.

       Wall space is limited and available on a first come, first served basis. You can show up as early as 5:00pm to start hanging your work.

       We have a limited number of pedestals available for sculptures, ceramics and 3D objects.

       We'll provide hammers, nails and other basic tools and equipment. You provide artworks that are ready to hang on the wall. Assistance will be provided if necessary.

       Individuals with artwork will be asked to fill out a label for the wall with the Artist's name; title; medium; and price

       Cash and carry. If you see something you like, you'd better buy it on the spot!

       Artists/sellers will receive 60% of proceeds of any sales; PCCA will receive a 40% commission on sales.

       If a work is sold and removed from the wall, another work may be hung in its place. Keep checking the walls for new finds!

       Any works not sold by the end of the night must be removed and taken home by the owner.