
FREE TICKETS: Beware of Darkness - Shelter St Andrews Detroit - 8/19

MCB some free tickets for Beware of Darkness ready to roll out to one lucky reader - email motorcityblog@earthlink.net for your shot to win 
and get to the 8/19 show at the Shelter inside St Andrews Hall Detroit

Beware of Darkness (Kyle Nicolaides, Tony Cupito, and Daniel Curcio) debut full-length Orthodox is a musical assault filled with squealing guitars, barbed hooks, and timeless glam posturing. At first listen, the album is a mindless good time aimed somewhere between the gut and dirty dive bar.  

It is not, however, a thoughtless endeavor.

Weaned on a heady blend of The Beatles and Led Zeppelin, putting thought into music has always come easily to Nicolaides. However it wasn't until he met bandmate Tony Cupito the only other white guy at an all African-American R&B show that Beware of Darkness began to take shape. In a stroke of luck or perhaps fate? Cupito lead Nicolaides in finding bassist Daniel Curcio, who happened to be in town to meet a half-brother he never knew he had.

Recorded entirely in two weeks at the Sound Factory and Valley Recorder in Hollywood, CA,  executive produced by Dave Sardy and produced by Greg Gordon and Nicolaides, Beware of Darkness' debut-full length is a heady meditation on death and its implications for the living.
